Friday, May 1, 2009

Kentucky Equality Federation supports gay and lesbian students' protest at Franklin County High School

Kentucky Equality Federation received reports that a Franklin County High official allegedly sent an email to teachers instructing them not to allow homosexuals to leave class to use the restroom.

The email was allegedly sent after two female classmates were caught kissing in the public restroom.

In response, 15 students protested outside the school today.

"My daughter was involved in a protest at Franklin County High School today for their right to use the restroom," stated Michelle Sexton.

"I have been in contact with one of the parents of the children involved in the protest and we support their constitutional right to assemble peacefully," stated Kentucky Equality Federation President Jordan Palmer. "We call on the media to investigate this issue further and shed light on the discrimination gays and lesbians face throughout the Commonwealth. Kentucky Equality Federation will also be contacting the other parents of the children involved in today's protest."

Though Superintendent Harrie Buecker stated steps are being taken to address the students' concerns, Kentucky Equality Federation is concerned they will not be addressed properly. Though not directly connected, Kentucky Equality Federation has received similar complaints in Casey, Pulaski, and Powell counties about unfair treatment of gay and lesbian students and teachers.

"I'd like to know what level this mentality, that gay and lesbian students should not be treated equally is coming from. An incident in one county could be called an isolated incident, but we now have similar reports in three other Kentucky Counties," stated Kentucky Equality Federation Managing Director Laura Reed.

Kentucky Equality Federation will continue its own investigation and assist parents or students in filing any necessary complaints with Kentucky officials.

Palmer added that assembling together in a peaceful manner is the most basic right granted by the Kentucky Constitution, and that Kentucky Equality Federation had contacted the Office of Helen W. Mountjoy, Kentucky's Secretary of Education for assistance in resolving the issues.

Kentucky Equality Federation offers an online complaint system for people around the Commonwealth to report discrimination or harassment. The online complaint system can be located at


Chelle0674 said...

If misinterpetaion of information was give why would so many student point the finger at so many teachers whom told the students of the e mail. If there was no discrimination towards Gays and Lesbians why would the school board suggest the children be segrogated to a seperate part of the buliding. As such the EDC room? Further more the two girls should be punished accordingly. Not all gays and lesbians . On that note a few weeks back before the protest a straight coulpe were caught in a janitoral closet haveing oral sex and all the straight students still have their privlage's to use the restroom including the two that were caught. I do not believe that FCHS strives in a caring, accepting atmosphere. during this protest there were Gay's, Lesbians, and STRAIGHT students involved they too believed this was a discrmination to their friends, and how can so many students interped the same out look on what was being said thru the E-mails. Finally what you are saying is all 25 students and the teachers who told them of this e- mail were wrong and one assistant principle was right and that this is what you expect the community to believe. I am sorry not all of them could possibley be lying about this.

FCHS supporter said...

from the Franklin County High School website:

On Friday May 1, several students protested their perception of a case of discrimination. They protested in an orderly fashion.

However, there was misinformation behind the reasons for the protest. At no time was there ever a directive issued to the staff barring any specific group of students from using the restrooms.

The only directive given was that certain students should not be allowed to leave the classroom during class because they had been in violation of school rules. All students have time between classes to use the facilities.

The staff at FCHS strives to provide a caring, accepting atmosphere that respects all students.

Elizabeth said...

No one is pushing anything on anyone. Protesting is a right protected by our constitution and I encourage my children to speak their mind regardless of their sexual orientation. If my son or daughter felt so passionate about an issue that they wanted to join in protest, I would support them 100% These students should not have been kissing in school and should face adequate punishment, but not allowing gay and lesbian students to go to the bathroom is oppressive and offensive. Shame on that administration.

Keilah said...

To these comments. The parent may be a parent but the 'attorney' cannot possibly be an attorney. There is nothing being 'pushed' on anyone here. Denying someone the same basic rights anyone else has is illegal. You should probably know that if you were an attorney. Actually, forget it. You're both idiots and no amount of explaining this to you will help. Enjoy mediocrity. ~_^

Attorney 05/02/09 12:00 pm There's no legal right to kiss in a public school bathroom. There is a non-issue here. If these alleged lawyers say there is, they are incorrect. And it is also an ethics violation to advertise for legal services as you all are doing here without the proper disclaimers. You all should be reported to the bar association. Finally, this is a blatant attempt to push your agenda on children.

parent 05/02/09 11:56 am this is ridiculous. These children (emphasis on children) shouldn't be allowed to be kissing anyone in school. The schools have a right to take whatever action they need to in order to maintain a non-sexual environment. Also, there is no "right" to have a gay lifestyle in a school-nor to enforce your lifestyles on others. This is another example of people wanting to shove their lifestyles on other people.

Chelle0674 said...

I have to agree the thing wrong witha lot of people is "FEAR" the fer of the unknowing. I believe this to be try when you are utterly and completly comfortable with your self you can be comfortable with others. Being gay or lesbian is not a crime, One knows from with in that, that is who they are and they should not be judged.... the 2 kids in the reastroomshould be punished accordingly not all of the gay's and lesbians

Chris M said...

First Children in general shouldnt be kissing weather gay or straight in a school setting anyway. However by not allowing homosexual student to used the restroom this is segragation at least. No one is forcing any type of life style on anyone and if we where the straights would be the first to know. Small minded uneducated people are the one saying it ok what the school did because they know no better. Consider sources of infomation before believing it. I should know I am a Junior in college and I am out and proud gay, but people are just small minded and the best thing you can do is to try to educate them, because calling name doesnt do either side any good.

Rev. Randall Coots said...

Rock on by brother Jason. You are right on the money.

Jason Livingston said...

Turn to Jesus for Answers!
You know I am really sick and tired of people picking on our children. I am tired of them being used to advance political agendas like the Senate Bill filed this year in the Kentucky Senate to keep gay and lesbian people from adopting children. Why is it the people are so afraid of things they don't understand? It is not as if we are seeking your approval.

People who treat people differently because of their sexual orientation is racist, not to mention against God's will as described by Jesus.

I always receive decisive guidance from a passage in Matthew where Jesus indicates how to serve God. One of the Pharisees tested Jesus with a question, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" (Matthew 22:36 NIV). Jesus replied, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. Jesus added something more to the greatest Commandment: "The second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'" There are NO OTHER commandments greater than these!

In First John the connection is explicit: "We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother" (1 John 4:19-21 NIV).

BOTTOM LINE: When seen in the light of the fundamental principle of loving others, they imply that we should look for positive ways to enhance the life and prosperity of our neighbors. The focus on love helps us not to settle for a minimum concern for neighbors, but to reach out to them.

You cannot hate homosexuals (who you do see), and love God (whom you have not seen); just as described above.

Chelle0674 said...

Your right this does hurt us all, However if it was your right to use the restroom during a school day would it make it any different? How is this protest the other day some kids trying to get the wrong kind of attention. I think what they did was great they stood up for something they have the right to do just like everyone else. The difference is they have been singled out because of their sexual orinantion. Their has been staight students caught in certin rooms they should not have been in and they got a couple extended detentions and they were doing more then making out.

Simon said...

History of Restroom Discrimination
Now, let's have a history lesson. Blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as whites during Jim Crow. Jews were not allowed to use restrooms in Germany under the Nuremberg Laws. And now gay people are not allowed to use restrooms at a particular high school?

The alleged terrorists at Guantanamo Bay to say nothing of every serial killer in prison in the United States are all allowed to use a toilet when they need to.

But at this high school in Kentucky, gay people are not allowed to use a public restroom. Period.

Why not round up all the gay kids and put them in a concentration camp then? Because this kind of policy treads well down that path.

I am sending a check to Kentucky Equality today so they can sue that school district.

Paul said...

Good work
i just wanted to say go job to KY Equality Fed. and I am now a proud member. contacting the KY Sec. of Ed. is a good idea. thank you for standing up for these student I wish KY Equality Fed. had been around 10 years ago when I had similar problems in high school. \n\nto per person who commented group punishment: always popular with authoritaria that is a super point.

group punishment: always popular with authoritaria said...

Nice to know that no matter how stupid, misdirected, and authoritarian a policy is, somebody can always be found to defend it because they will always side with the people in charge.

Oh wait, no. That's not nice at all.

Look. Kids making out in the bathroom are breaking the rules. Sure, OK, give them detention or whatever for breaking the rules. Why punish *every gay student* in the school?

finally... said...

And also-to compare Franklin County (VERY forward thinking) and our superintendent

another point said...

the other point is that no other person had an isp listed for them-- except for anyone who just wants to point out that there should be "fairness" in whether or not you report the facts. I have gay friends, but they don't push their lifestyle on me--nor do I push mine on them... nor do they think that just because they are gay they get to just have different rules. The rules are the same for all students (I live in this community, and you all do not). Just pointing out that there's no PROOF that she sent the email. I think it's interesting that the second you try to question someone about the truth in this situation, you get accused of being with the "family foundation". Thanks for your open and loving attitude towards someone with some more facts than you all have.

be reasonable people said...

there's been no proof that such an email was sent. None whatsoever. So I think ruining someone's reputation, without proof, is reprehensible. None of the kids are allowed to go to the bathroom with anyone else. Period. So that's not "discriminatory". Letting kids make out in the bathroom (gay or straight) - isn't a "human right".What is crazy is people jumping to conclusions without the facts. And, yes advertising for legal services without doing the proper disclaimers violates the ethics rules.

Attorney said...

There's no legal right to kiss in a public school bathroom. There is a non-issue here. If these alleged lawyers say there is, they are incorrect. And it is also an ethics violation to advertise for legal services as you all are doing here without the proper disclaimers. You all should be reported to the bar association. Finally, this is a blatant attempt to push your agenda on children.

parent said...

this is ridiculous. These children (emphasis on children) shouldn't be allowed to be kissing anyone in school. The schools have a right to take whatever action they need to in order to maintain a non-sexual environment. Also, there is no "right" to have a gay lifestyle in a school-nor to enforce your lifestyles on others. This is another example of people wanting to shove their lifestyles on other people.

Keith Elston, Chair, ACLU-KY said...

The students who are affected by this alleged policy should contact the ACLU of Kentucky to file a request for legal assistance. As the chair of the ACLU of Kentucky, I can say we would be very interested to learn more about what the school is doing. Go to and click on "Legal Assistance" in the sidebar on the left of the screen. Thank you.

Adam said...

This is crazy. No one should be denied to use the restroom. It's discrimination and a violation of basic human rights. The administration at this school needs to investigated and legal action needs to be brought upon them.

Derek said...

This is outrageous. If anything happened like this where I live in Maine that school official would be dealt with promptly and effectively. Perhaps if the school were as welcoming and tolerant as it thinks it is, the girls wouldn't have to feel like they need to sneak around.

mandy said...

This is Stupid
Mrs. Buzard don't care if you are gay or straight, she just wants you to follow the rules. This S**t is some of the kids just trying to get the wrong kind of attention. It hurts us all

Arielle said...

This is so idiotic, are they serious??? Basic human rights people! I swear sometimes it feels like we're still in the Dark Ages. I'm 17 and if this were to happen at my school I would CERTAINLY protest even though I am not apart of the demographic being directly targeted, it would affect my fellow students and therefore myself as well. How is banning certain people from using the restrooms during class any different than any and every other kind of discrimination? May it have been towards women or ethnic minorities? I hope they loose a lot of money, students and credibility.

Terry said...

Actually, Patti...
It means that they can't use the restroom while others are in class, so they will have to use it while others ARE in the bathroom. Sleep well. hehehe

Josh said...

It's truly sad that this sort of discrimination is still taking place, especially so close to my hometown, which borders Franklin county. By the way, does anyone know exactly what happened in Casey county? I attend school in a neighboring county and have a few friends from Casey, but I haven't heard of the situation there until now.

wendy said...

omg, what is wrong with schools, if a guy was kissing a girl nothing would be said,This is bullshit, please Jordan lets fight, everyone should be treated equal, people need to pull there head out of there ass and realize that love is love, and no matter what gender with what gender should matter, grow up people, kids have enough to worry about then stupid people like this let them be free,not afraid to be themselves, let them be happy, let them be, just let them be themselves..

Ricki said...

This is disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful. At least people protested and there's being light shed on it and people are getting informed; hopefully stuff like this won't happen as often.

I agree that the school should be sued; I also suggest that 'Patti', the author of the comment below me, grows a brain

Shelby said...

Sue the shit out of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good job Kentucky Equality

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